OK – so i have done a long time ago a little bit of playing with Apache webservers and PHP, but not recently. So as soon as I wanted to do something that is not blogging – then the fight started.

First off – I’m using a WYSIWG editor (What You See Is What You Get), because whilst i’m comfortable writting HTML it’s nice to see it alongside, as you build. The frustrating part of this is that it doe snot like PHP or iframes very much, and keeps trying to convert anything typed in a php command to HTM safe characters.

But I’ve mostly got that sorted – and managed to create the skeleton PHP/HTML to do various includes and pull in materials needed for the page.

I have also fiddled around with the style sheet so that I can get colours and styling to support my presentation. And therefore on Day-2 I have manged to get my BETA page up and running, it’s got an example journey/competition with 3 daily Maps, Leader-Boards and team progress updates.

There is still more development to do, and at some point I need a chunk of time to look at enabling user registration and submission of steps directly to the site – but for now the captains are going to have to collect steps from each team member and submit manually to the Race Organiser.

Weekend nearly over, so less time to work on devleopment. Take a look at our BETA